Tanzania Optometric Association

Tanzania Optometric Association (T.O.A) has been registered under the United Republic of Tanzania Societies Ordinance Act, 1954. Rule 5. On 15th April 1992 with registration certificate No. 7625. To serve as optometric profession association.

The mission of Tanzania Optometric Association is to represent, promote and advance the profession of optometry in Tanzania by creating an excellent profession environment that provides essence of success and comfort of optometric eye care services to the public.

Registered Members


The objects for which the Association is established are:
  • To establish and maintain a closer fraternal bond among its members.
  • The improvement and conservation of human vision
  • The promotion and improvement for the public benefit of the Science and practice of Optometry.
  • The advancement for the public benefit of the study of and research into Optometry and related subjects and the publication of the results thereof.
  • The maintenance for the public benefit of the highest possible standard of professional competence and conduct.
  • To aid in the advancement, maintenance, and preservation of the legal standards of qualifications for the practice of the profession.
  • To maintain a benevolent fund for the benefit of its members.
  • To Co-operate with other recognized Optometrists Associations in other countries with similar objects and aims.
  • To establish fruitful co-operation with other Health Care professions within Tanzania
Our Executive Team

Core Members

Eden R Mashayo


Anne Kisoka


Priscus A Remwald

General Secretary

Asha Mweke


Arther Temba

Assistant Secretary

Alex Daudi

Assistant Treasurer